Friday 1 February 2008

Oh the stress of it all!!! Hahahaaaaa it's great really, knowing that we are doing our tiny bit to help the environment and our tiny bit to help people who are poorer than me or Rachel...

We do actually have tiny offices 'cause we are squeezed in amongst our 100,000 recycled stock boxes and recycled bags.... Not wanting to use this as an advert but if you want to look at our stuff and funky pictures of Ethical superwoman (!!???) Rachel Watkyn then point your little cute browser to and if you want to help the people of Africa and Thailand live and restore their dignity then tiptoe over to to see our pretty damn lovely (If I say so myself!!) contemporary range of Fair Trade jewellery!!!




Anonymous said...

This is the most unprofessional web site. The over use of multiple exclamation marks!!!!, CAPITAL letters and words like dadaaa, dahlink, urrrghgh, anyhooo,etc. is just pathetic & it's not funny.
This looks like it's written by 7 year olds.
You have just put off a potential customer so get your act together & stop playing at your 'lovely' lifestyle business.

Anonymous said...

This is the most unprofessional web site. The over use of multiple exclamation marks!!!!, CAPITAL letters and words like dadaaa, dahlink, urrrghgh, anyhooo,etc. is just pathetic & it's not funny.
This looks like it's written by 7 year olds.
You have just put off a potential customer so get your act together & stop playing at your 'lovely' lifestyle business.