Thursday 7 February 2008

'Fair Trade' in The UK--- Are they serious?

The point about the soap that Christian has written about (PART OF ORIGINAL POST: "The reason we are posting this is this: Two days ago Rachel ran into the 'Tiny' offices all excited... She had just been on the receiving end of a 'fair trade' sales push. A lady in a shop selling her 'fair trade' soap!!!!!!!!!!!!") is that it was made in England in the next village up from us. I was assured that it was Fair Trade but on reading the back label, the content was 60% water. So made in England, mainly from water. How much of the ingredients are therefore legitimately fair trade. I have, to date, not heard of Fair Trade water, but then I may be wrong!

I also came across a "fair trade" jewellery box company this week who on further questioning (not by me as i'm too gullible but one of our contacts who is far more sceptical, and rightly so) said that yes, child labour was used as the whole family was involved. She was adamant that there was nothing wrong with child labour and when questioned about schooling and that if she was paying a fair wage for the past 20 years to these families so they could afford school, she indignantly stated that in these communities it is a way of life for children to work as well. Is that fair trade ?

Rachel Watkyn - Tiny Difference Founder

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