Tuesday 26 February 2008

I am sooooo uncool!!!

I read in a consumer magazine (Retail Week Feb 1 page 25) that ‘Green is getting old…’ and the new buzz word for 2008 is ‘moral’… What the hell???
So I am thinking; are people really that stupid to let the media dictate to them that it’s not ‘fashionable’ to be green and it’s all about ‘morality’ this year…

Have we become such a consumer driven society that we are not thinking about our children and our grandchildrens lives because my friends at the rate we are going in 50 years the UK will be just 1 giant landfill!

My point is… it’s apparently now about to be untrendy to be ’green’ surely this should be the very tip of the iceberg… And the media should be on top of this. Maybe I am talking out of my green bottom… or maybe I am just being completely ‘green’?

Whilst ethics are of course very important (that’s why I set up Tiny Difference!!!) do we just abandon being green or be seen as untrendy…

Oh to hell with it!!! I am going to buy that mink coat I saw… ‘cause now if I wear it I won’t get paint splattered on me by some PETA nutter… Oh no, I’ll be on the front page of the glossies!

Rachel Watkyn - Tiny Box Company Founder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe being Green is being Moral...so that makes us cool this year too! Bah...what a load of bollocks those UNrecycled newspapers and media spin out, trying to brainwash people indeed.Being Green ensures we still have a surviving planet to be moral in!! A "Tiny" difference can go a long way, so keep making the world Green you guys, your'e pioneers!