Monday 25 October 2010

Thank You

The Tiny Box Company would like to thank everyone who watched our wee slot on Dragon's Den last night and to all who have put kind messages on our Facebook and Twitter. If you missed us, undoubtedly you can catch up on BBC iPlayer.

We do appreciate the support.

New Member of Staff (suffering with a terrible dose of the cold).

Saturday 23 October 2010

Easy Being Ethical?

Scenes like this are happening all over the UK. Young hoodies. Out on the streets. Nicking stuff.

But this time it’s not Playstations, your widescreen TV with 3d glasses, your Wii Fit, your Guitar Hero or your Kona Cindercone mountain bike. No, the Tiny Box Company’s Environmental Policy states that where we can recycle, we will. And where we can use recycled goods we will.

Which means we nick the boxes that people throw out on the street, take them back to the Tiny Box Warehouse in the dead of night and then use them to ship out our goods. So if you see dodgy looking characters hanging around your place at night casing the cardboard, don’t be alarmed.

And if you order 500 kraft natural 100% recycled gift boxes but the packaging says “cod fillets”, it’s probably not actually cod fillets but 500 kraft natural 100% recycled gift boxes. If it’s actually cod fillets, it’s not from us.


New Member of Staff.