Sunday 31 August 2008

Tonight (Monday) BBC2 9pm


Yes!!!! We cannot contain our excitement (?!) any more. BBC2 on Dragons' Den Monday night me and Christian take to the 'stage'.
I feel quite embarrassed that Christian calls me 'Rainman' on national TV but the one million pound question; Do we succeed? Well, you'll have to wait and see...
So, I just want to say a big 'thank you' to all our lovely customers and friends... If you are around East Grinstead Monday night then we are having a party in the Rose and Crown pub where they will be showing the programme on their Big Screen. I am very embarrassed but I will be going down to say 'hi' to everybody, Christian is less so, he unfortunately is making the excuse that he has to get up at 4am on Tuesday morning and can't make it. Pussy!
So, the invite to you is out there, please do come down and join us. If you can't make sure you watch Dragons' Den at 9pm.
Me out,
Rachel Watkyn
Tiny Box Company and Tiny Difference Founder and 'Lord and Leader'!

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Dragons' Den


Thanks for all emails and phone calls from people saying, "There's a company that we saw a glimpse of last night selling boxes like yours...". Actually last nights Dragons' Den featured a 4 second promotion for me and Christian appearing on Dragons' Den on the 1st Sept 20-08 (that's this Monday!!) at 9pm.

I can't tell you if we got investment or not as the BBC has told us that we can't! Damn them!!

If you sawe the little snippet last night you would have seen Christian sticking up for me and giving Duncan Bannatyne a piece of his mind... Bless him, he's like my brother!

Anyway we will be gracing your TV screen and if you want to find out more then point your browser to and be watching Monday September 1st at 9pm. Both me and Christian are extremely embarrased at our appearance and especially where Christian calls me 'Rainman' on primetime TV!!! Yep just like a brother!!

Anyway you may have noticed that we have changed servers on our Tiny Box Company website so the shop and products and well everything looks a lot smoother and is more secure and looks great!!!

Anyway til later,


Founder: Tiny Box Company and Tiny Difference