Sunday 20 July 2008

Couple of big points.... AND A NEW CLUB!!!!

Hello and Wow!!!!,

I cannot believe that it has been sooooo long since I posted! So much has been happening in the Tiny Offices it is unreal...

Our big TV appearance is imminent (within the next few weeks - I will let you know when, as soon as I know!)... we are in the process of switching servers for our website... We have a new, lovely member of staff, her name is Viktoria and she is the reason why I am tapping my keyboard right now:

Y'see we will only employ people who have that extra something, that little bit of madness that makes them 'special' and hopefully we will get a good idea along the way!

Well Viktoria has just had 'Viktoria's Great Idea Number 1' and here it is...

When V started in the Tiny Offices she saw it as a stepping stone for her fortune, as well as helping us out she was secretly planning to take over the world! Unbeknown to us she was reading and studying the book was called “How to Net a million” by Josephine Monroe and she burst into the office one day exclaiming, "I know what the Tiny Box Company needs!!!???" "What's that"? I said...
Turns out Viktoria reckons that we need a box and bag 'club' (?????).
After about 20 minutes of not being able to do a thing because of the rasping laughter that ensued we came around to her way of thinking!!!
Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls the Tiny Box Company is launching (drum roll please) - The Tiny Box Company's Box and Bag club...
We are inviting you to become a member. It is free to join and as a member you are now entitled to not only go bag and box spotting and telling us of your finds but also to use secret code words such as “bagmergency”, “boxmergency” and our favourite "bag (or box) alotititus"
We are working on day trips out bag and box spotting (with Viktoria of course as our own Bag Lady... we just need to get her some cats and a shopping trolley.

Have spoken to some of our customers already about the idea... they think it's a goer. So much so LA Jewellery have already tried to muscle in on it, demanding to be Box Member # 1! But that would be unfair!!!
The benefits of course are that if going for a new job or anything then you as a member would be able to put under the hobbies section of their CV that they are an active member of “the bag and box club” and have infinite tales to tell... we will of course provide membership badges (or little boxes) to pin on and various other merchandise... You will get Box and Bag discounts and more so you will have the honour and distinction of being a member of this ohhhh so secret club!!
Need I say anymore? No, didn't think so.
So sign up now with you name (and company) at to start changing your life forever...
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Watkyn (Box and Bag Club Director)