Monday 17 March 2008

Uk packaging companies know nothing!!

Hello friends,

It's Monday morning and I feel dejected ("What!! again???"). Now some of you guys will know that I run the sole UK supplier of recycled packaging it's the Tiny Box Company. Ta da!!!!

So here I am (and there I was last Friday) trying to source more manufacturers for recycled boxes and bags. Now you would think that this would be easy; I call a manufacturer, ask them if they can make recycled boxes and/or recycled bags. They say; 'yes we can' or 'no we can't'.

Well, here's what I had to endure when I asked that simple question:

One manufacturer said that recycled is out and nobody wants it! What???

One said that there is absolutely no proof that plastic bags harm anything and to back up his argument forwarded me this email to 'prove it'!!

"This has been going on for years with the Government, since 1997!
Other governments have always seen the sense from Science, but Gordon has a good mate in the Editor of the Daily Mail
and has only made this statement to produce a smoke screen to cover the real issues on CO2 emissions! Poly bags hardly produce any!
Have you every seen any printed scientific data on the subject !?!? (read attached)
People are responsible for not disposing of litter in the right way!
In Ireland they are using more polythene since the tax in the form of Refuse sacks, as nobody is using the Poly Supermarket bag to line their bins at
Home any more. Instead they are using a refuse sack which is made out of thicker polythene and 7 times as big as 1 give away carrier.
15 years ago the Government had the option to invest in fully captive incineration units for burning all waste and turning it back in to energy!
They did not do this. They have also had the opportunity to invest in fully managed local recycling plants for all waste products, including, paper, polythene,
Glass, metals! However, they have preferred not to!?!? Instead spending further billions on defence!
At the end of the day, yes we should re-use and reduce where possible, but not pick on one item which is 0.01 % of land fill! When the alternatives, like
Paper create even more carbon in the production and recycling process, using 4 time as much energy and water then when making a poly bag!!
When paper has been recycled 4/5 times the fibre turns into no recyclable pulp, ends up in land fill and give off a lot of methane, which is a Co2 gas.!??
Subject: FW: A bit of balance at last!
Some of you may well have seen this article in the Times on Saturday which almost appears as if it has been written by using the CBC website, however clearly the Times has investigated very deeply the claims of carrier bags damaging the marine environment, with a conclusion that most of the plastic found in marine life has actually come from fishing nets.
We are seeing a number of more balanced articles appearing in the press but this is the best yet, thanks to Bill, Attila, Josh and Dave for highlighting the article so quickly.
We will ensure the Times receives all of our updated information so that they can hopefully build on the article.
Gordon Brown is being shown in a poor light with regard to his focus away from the bigger issues, we will be watching the budget comment carefully this week in case he tries once again to divert attention with comments and potential taxes on carrier bags. Don't forget the London Bill comes up for a further vote this Thursday, which we are again attempting to block. Please use your MP contacts to help in this process if you can.
Kind regards,
++++++++++ (Name withheld)
Chief Executive of a packaging company whose slogan is:
Innovative Flexible Packaging Reduces Food Waste and Increases Shelf Life

Another told me that all their products are 'recyclable' and when I patiently pointed out that NEARLY EVERYTHING IS 'RECYCLABLE' she told me that 'they only use wood from sustainable forests'. I tried my best to tell her that they are not actually anything near recycled she huffed and put the phone down.

I have saved the best for last;

I was pleasantly suprised when one company this morning proudly said, 'yes our products are fully recycled'. Emails then went back and forth regarding my requirements (measurements etc).
Then because I have the reputation of my company to keep, I asked for an official statement from the company I was dealing with that said 'Yes' to recycled that... well their bags were just that, recycled.

They sent it to me and it said, "All our bags are made from wood pulp that comes from sustainable forests...". There was not one mention of recycled. That's because dear reader they lied!

How many people have thought they were 'being green' and actually purchased from a friendly voice that said yes when asked about 'recycled'?

Buyer beware.

Rachel Watkyn Super Sleuth and Tiny Box Company founder


Anonymous said...

"and give off a lot of methane, which is a Co2 gas.!??"

Run this one past me again, I must have missed something.

Anonymous said...

My stylist recommended this product for my medium to long hair that tends to have some wave and frizz. I

have never had a flat iron, but I can successfully get the smooth, straight look I want in 7 minutes, and my hair is pretty thick. The iron heats up in one minute, and is easy to use because of its slim

design. I would recommend not starting at anything beyond the 35-40 setting to start with or you may really damage your hair. Other than that, this is a great purchase and I'm happy to have it!

Anonymous said...

I never thought it could be possible. I own about 7-9 hair straighteners from cheap to deluxe. Not one of them could

penetrate my thick, curly hair enough to do anything other than heat up the cuticle and make sizzling noises. This iron is going to change my life. I spent 700 on ionic straightening, and this iron works

better!!!! If you spend any amount of time wielding a heavy blow dryer, forget about it. I used this iron on Air-dried, curly hair. I wish I could upload a digital photo- I look like a hair commercial.

Unbelievable but true!!! I LOVE IT!!!