Thursday 3 April 2008

The Big Tiny Box Tour... minus Christian!

Hi Guys...

I decided to take a well earned day off last week, leaving Christian in charge!!! Oh what trust I have in him!! Am I sane? Anyway I went to London thinking I can unwind for a little while... I switched my phone off and relaxed for a nice comfortable 'train snooze' only to be woken by a very strange man offering me the 'London Lite' paper... I seized upon it knowing that I can complete the Su Doku in breathtaking time, and knowing that the cute guy who gave me the paper may have thought I was/am a bit of a bimbo (It's an image I sometime portray!!) anyway I opened the relevant page and HEY HO Brilliant!!!!, an unabused Su Doku had my name on it. I searched my cavernous bag for a pen... nothing... 'I won't let this stop me!' I thought. 'Excuse me!' I loudly said, "May I trouble anyone for a pen?"... this out burst was met with silence (insert tumbleweed here)... Ahhh great, now they think I'm bloody mad... why is it the closer one gets to London the quieter and less talkative one becomes. I realised just why at East Croydon; a scruffy young man with a dog got on and proceeded to give his well rehearsed story of being homeless, he had found a bed for the night... and he needed funds to book in. I truly felt sorry for him and was reaching into my pocket when Su Doku man took my hand and simply said 'No'... 'It will go on drugs'... he handed me a pen and said, 'go on then, how good are you'. I rammed the sharpened ballpoint into his... no I thought slow down Rachel... I calmly took it from him and in the 15 minutes it took to do the Su Doko and hand it back to the now Not Cute bloke, I had also given some cash to the homeless boy. Yes it does bother me that it might go on drugs, but I felt better. I got off at Victoria wondering did I give the money to pay for my own guilt or did I really want to help house him for the night? I think I know the answer...

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